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Suki Fox

“I feel relieved and at peace, it’s like a new sense of life. A new perspective! Thank you.”

Michelle B. – Edmonton, AB

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Meet Suki Fox

Suki Fox, AKA “Ganesha Mamma” and the “Roving Repatterner” is a Wellness Practitioner and Teacher, with over 30 years of experience in the health and wellness field.

About Suki Fox, she had her start early when she began working at the Village Gym in Stoney Creek, Ontario while still in High school. By age 18 she was a powerlifter and helped train the next MS Canada bodybuilding champion. She created a new group, fitness program for the women in the gym that year called, “Fitness to Music”. This was so popular that it spread throughout Southern Ontario and at age 22 she was running 4 locations. This idea preceded the Aerobics boom in the ’80s and was the first studio of its’ kind in Canada.

Suki went on to work at Toronto Hydro, becoming one of the first women in Canada to train as a Hydroelectrical Line Man, and they renamed this position “Line Mechanic”, to reflect the change she brought this position as their 1st woman. She then set off on a quest for knowledge and adventure and travelled alone to almost 50 countries in 6 years. She lived and studied with top teachers and masters in India and England.

This culminated with studying Resonance Repatterning with the originator of this System, Chloe Faith Woodsworth, in New York through the early 1990s. This is one of the first practical application of Quantum Physics, and she is one of the only practitioners with cutting-edge processes, available in Canada today.

Suki also became a Flow Yoga, and Reiki practitioner while she led and worked in Toronto, until 2005. She owned and ran “The Lodge Inn Retreat” in the wilderness of Cherryville, BC until 2011.

After a period of exploration and self-discovery, she decided to dedicate her life to helping others. She now resides in the serene Okanagan Valley, BC, where she spends her days facilitating transformative Repatterning sessions that help individuals and groups overcome limiting beliefs and negative patterns.

Additionally, she travels the world to teach life-changing workshops that empower people to lead fulfilling lives. Her passion for helping others is evident in everything she does, and she is committed to making a positive impact on the world, one person at a time. She now focuses exclusively on facilitating personal and group Repatterning sessions, and teaching life-changing workshops worldwide, and lives in the Okanagan Valley, BC.

Suki Fox Repatener
Suki Fox Repatener Colorful

Resonance Repatterning Sessions shift your energy or resonance with your patterns causing you emotional reactions, negative mental states or a lack of physical well-being. This simple quantum based system uses muscle checking and multiple healing modalities to shift limiting patterns and beliefs.

Point of Choice

Transform your mental-emotional blueprint, and extraordinary outcomes in any area of your life can be experienced.

  • Improve your health, energy level, self-confidence
  • Help you quit smoking and lose weight and change other dependencies

Do you feel stuck playing out old patterns even though you know exactly what you would like to change in your life?

Like those old habits, issues and perspectives that limit you.

I can accurately identify (using a tool called muscle-checking) specifically what, why and how to change the problems that seem stuck in your life.

For example, I helped James Hansen quit smoking. He was amazed to discover that after our session he had become a non-smoker. He found he didn’t enjoy or want it anymore, without any cravings. Then there is Jenn Alston who was surprised and delighted that she no longer needed to wear her glasses after her Vision Repatterning, and that the improvement lasted!

How I do this, is with Resonance Repatterning, a process that helps shift energy or “resonance” around any issue. It is effective for clearing unconscious beliefs, negative emotions, and behaviors that underlie, and determine your health & well being.

Resonance Repatterning is a powerful process available by Proxy for groups of any kind or size. This includes families, and companies, and can be facilitated on any desired common topic such as smoking. Repatterning sessions are also available to assist troubled children and pets and these are done by permission and by proxy on their behalf.

~ Personal Sessions ~

Sessions are totally personalized using muscle checking to determine all the details. They address any place you feel stuck in life.  When you shift your resonance on an issue it pulls the roots out and its never the same again.

Effective help for depression, addictions, and helpful for speeding you through any transition you are undergoing. Like a change in your relationships, work and life situations. When you shift you will resonate with a new intention that moves you forward in a positive new direction. Changes are easy and natural after your session as you end up on a higher level of coherence and life get much easier with whatever you worked on.

~ Group Sessions ~

Group sessions are helpful for couples, families, or any size of group that want to shift together and end up resonating with the same intentions.

Suki is currently offering Monthly “Deal with your Dependencies” group Shifts by donation. She also offers group sessions on various topics such as “Choose Love“, “Abundance” and “Stop or Reduce Smoking”

You can be added by proxy (at a distance) to all group Resonance Repatterning sessions she facilitates. You can have an opportunity to share any issues and intentions that you would like to include that you would like to shift.

She will contact you after and let you know if there are any specific integration needs for you to do to complete the session other than reading the brief notes.

Dependency Group session are by donation, suggested at $25.

Couple and family sessions are based on the number of participants. Contact Suki to find out what your session will cost.

~ Muscle Checking Discovery Sessions ~

These are personalized sessions and are used to find out information stored in your database or energetic system. This brings clarity and reveals details about your body & health and regarding; sensitivities, allergies, health challenges, life challenges, and other mysteries in your life! Suki is an expert in muscle checking with over 20 years of experience using this powerful tool with individuals and groups. These Muscle Checking Discovery Sessions are available in-person, online, on the phone, or at a distance. $50 an hour

Contact Suki Fox